
How to deal with this umbelieveably obnoxious 11 year old boy?

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ok heres the story. i am 16 and was very very quiet and shy in school.i have no local friends never had a girlfriend. okay but i do have linfelong `friends` that live like three hours away. one family has this 11 year old boy who I can't stand. this family has two other sons 16 and 18. and the 11 year old last time said to me loads of times "you are g*y., are you g*y?" and i just said oh shut up. but he also said these other things. there was a seagul flying around nd he said to me "see that seagul he is g*y and has nobody. it reminds me of you" something along those lines anyway. and then in the toilets after the cinema he says to me, bearing in mind nobody else was in them "look at that andy whats that," i said its a condom machine and he said "“Look at the middle ones andy and read what it says. haha you won’t ever need one cos you can’t get a girlfriend. You must be g*y, are you jelous because i’ve got a girlfriend bet ya are.” now this was very irritating and i think the other two boys have been saying stuff bout me and got ideas from them but forget that . next week i see the family again and i just dont like them anymore at all really nor the 11 year old. how to deal with it?




  1. Why would you let an 11 year old intimidate you like that? I would pull him up to my face and with a very mean look say, "Look you little pain in the ***, I have about had it with you, if you don't stop this c**p I am going to beat the ever living h**l out of you, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

  2. Heya Andy,

    Thank you first of all for your best answer on the last question i answered very kind of you :P

    What i would do is comfront this boy about the situation dont stand for this anymore, or other option would be sit the boys down with his parents and tell them how you feel. Just because you dont have a girlfriend it dont mean your g*y it just means your not ready yet for a relationship which is totally normal you are just waiting for the right person to come along for you. Alternatively just leave them you are better than them be proud hold your head up high and dont let this boy get to you. Remember someone is always there to love you for who you are on the inside as that is what counts.

    Hope i helped and good luck you!


  3. Get in his face and in a calm but menacing voice, tell him you're going to make him g*y if he doesn't leave you alone!

  4. Don't get upset or angry. This bored, suburbs kid is really bored, and he just wants a kick out fo you. Just smile and say that's right, or something equally dumb. I know it's annoying, but he's not worth the sweat.

    Good Luck!

  5. say" if your opinion mattered to me, I'd be offended"

    Whenever he starts talking like that to you pretend you dont hear him and start a cell phone call or a text and pretend to be fully focused on that, like your really into it. That'll drive hhim nuts. could have a long chat with him.

  6. when he keeps saying this stuff to you...just turn round and say.."sorry you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a **** about your opinion". then ignore the little t**t and refuse to go anywhere with him.

  7. Just ignore him, he probably doesn't even know what the h**l he is talking about.

    But if it keeps


    beat the c*ap out of him!

    Don't tell anybody I told you!

    *runs away*

  8. smack them so hard!

  9. Dont listen to them. DO NOT hit the kid at all. You are 16 he is 11. You can go to jail for that. Jus ignore him. I know it will be hard but its better than going to jail.

  10. god that boy sounds really annoying - don't get angry at him or anything - i find that if ever someone starts saying stupid stuff like that, the best way to turn the tables is to just keep calm and say something like 'you keep saying i'm g*y - usually when people say that they are g*y themselves' and smile sweetly  

  11. Smash the little ******* face against a wall.

  12. i would honestly juss smack him across the face...who cares what his parents say or if he cries or not.....juss knock him out....doo it nowwwww

  13. ignore the little childish shithead, people who brag about theirselves are normally the people who get least......if it keeps happening, punch the little b*stard right in the face

  14. do you have to go and see them, i wouldn't if its making you unhappy tell them to get stuffed  

  15. carry an ipod - stick the headphones on when you see him. or pretend to make a mobile call (make sure you got the tone switched off).

    or tell him you want to talk to him, sit down look him in the eye and tell him to please please fk off

  16. Tell him you have heard other people saying that he looks g*y and say obviously you fancy me cause you keep going on at me, then say sorry I'm not into men and walk away and if all else fails kill the little ******!

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