
How to deal with your brother?

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Ok i have a younger brother in his teens. As you can immagine he's a handful. We continually fight and argue. (i understand it's normal for most brothers and sisters) But i always find myself running around cleaning up after my brother for when my mum comes home. I HATE IT!!!! He spits the orange pips all over the house. Doesn't wash.. I mean teenage boys i knew most of them didn't have a great hygine level.. but i'm lucky if he even brushed his teeth this month. It's disgusting has anyone got any ideas on how to get him too tidy up after himself!!!




  1. talk  to some

  2. It sounds like you need to stop being his mother and being yourself. If he does not get a clue, start ignoring him. If he asks you what's up...then tell him. Silent rage...Its passive enough that you don't have to yell and scream...just simply ignire him until his behavior becomes acceptable to you...Take Care you loving sister you!

  3. Boys Will Be Boys

  4. Put all his trash and dirty dishes and clothes in his bed.  And tell him his mouth stinks.

  5. Don't clean up after him and when your mum comes home she should yell at him and make him pick it up. The only reason he doesn't clean up after himself is because he knows you'll do it. And about not washing, that is just gross and when people at school start making fun of him then he should start washing himself.

  6. just leave the mess and when he sees your not giving him attention he will soon get bored, and bored of the mess hes making and soon tidy it up.  

  7. Let your mother handle it. Your brother knows how to make you angry.

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