
How to decline a date with an overtly ugly guy?

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There are many guys that ask me out for a date, many of them are hot guys, but the problem is there are also tons of ugly loser people asking me out. I am very popular in school so i don't want to be labeled as being mean but also, I don't want to date the ugly guys because that will not be good for my image. How can i decline them nicely while maintaining my poise status?




  1. Say, " no sorry", in a very sweet tone.

  2. Just say, "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Let's just be friends."

    Or tell them that you are taken already, or tell them the truth: that you are really in love with s**y Homer.  I know that you want me, and i cannot blame you, but s**y Homer is taken. Tough break, babe, but not everyone can be so lucky.

  3. Say I'm sorry but I don't know you well enough. Or some excuse like that.

  4. tell excuses like "oh,im sorry,ive been dating someone else" or "im sorry,i have this bacteria in my stomach that gives m the runs...sorry" or "Oh,my grandma is on fire!!!i need to throw her to the grass and roll her over!!!" (no offense) need to be creative...or the best answer "Sorry,im in my period"

  5. Just tell them sorry but you don't turn me on.

  6. Just let them know that you are not interested.  That's the truth without being a jerk.

    On another note, your popularity and beauty is only gonna last but for so long.  Every person goes through a period in their life where they experience popularity.  You are probably young, but when that youthful appearance of yours starts to fail you, what are you gonna be then?  It's your business how you address people, but just know that one day soon, you will not be the popular girl.  And people will talk about you the way you talk about them.  You seem like the only reason you want to know how to decline a date the right way is because you are popular and you're overly concerned with your image in school.  You don't care to let people down the right way because you don't want to hurt their feelings or anything, just to protect your image.

    I'm assuming you're in high school, and if not, i stand corrected.  If you are in high school, know that once you go to college, you will be just another pretty face in a long list of pretty faces.  Once you get into that atmosphere, you have to be pretty in other ways in order to get noticed and accepted by anyone.  I can't tell you how many self proclaimed "popular chick" get into college and become nothing more than just another face, and a face many people don't like because her attitude towards others makes them, well ugly.

    I recommend you take a long look at who you really want to be, and do some soul searching, because beauty and true popularity starts inside; and that's not that old, beauty inside, only skin deep c**p, that's real talk.  The pretty girls with the pretty inside is always gonna be more sought after than the girl with just the pretty face.

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