
How to defeat a grappler by not using any grappling techniques?

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-what are the strategies in fighting a grapler such as judo players,...wrestlers..etc... if you will be using muay thai or karate?

-how to use karate/muay thai when fighting grapplers?




  1. if you know kenpo karate it would have some atvantage over a grappler

  2. Stay in your range.  You know the striking & kicking ranges.  They are in the grappling and trapping ranges.  Stay outside of them.  Circle them.  And stay off of your back if you end up on the ground.  Try to stand up as soon as possible if you end up on the ground.  

    Lots of people who are bound to grappling tend to leave their heads exposed when going for a double-leg takedown.   They are asking for a knee to the face.  

    If it is this much of a concern, why not sign up for Judo lessons?

  3. You can sit there and pray. You cannot defeat a jiu-jitsu practitioner without knowing it. It has been PROVEN over the years. 80+ years and no other martial art comes close. I respect Muay Thai and Boxing, but you must know how to compete on the ground or you can be sure your arm will be broken, your shoulder will be ripped apart, or you will be put to sleep. It always goes to the ground in a real fight.

  4. What's constitute grappling techniques? Is sprawl a grappling technique? Because that's the first thing that striker learn to anticipate a shoot from a grappler.

    Once you have good sprawl, a real fight actually goes in favor of someone with good striking ability.

    UFC banned knee to the head when you're on the ground, if it's not banned, grapplers will be more careful in shooting and won't have as much advantage as they are now. They easily end up in the lower end with the opponent sprawling above them ready to end the fight right there right then with well placed knees to the head.

  5. If your talking about a fight with rules, forget about it. You have to know a little something, at least about takedown defense, submission defense and scrambling.

  6. Never bum rush a grappler, because that is what many of us train to defend, especially Judo & Jujitsu practitioners.  In simple terms it is called leverage.

    The best thing is to keep your distance with a good jab and occasional low kicks to slow down the ability to shoot in on your legs.

  7. just run at him with kicks and punches and you'll be ok. trust me...

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