
How to defrost Chicken?

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Hey all........

I bought a pack of 4 fresh chicken b*****s and put them in the freezer last week, how should I defrost them? Say I wanted to start cooking them around 5pm would I take them out in the morning or the night before and would it be room temp or in the fridge?





  1. They aren't going to be defrosted by then - sorry. Unless you have a microwave with a defrost feature (however the quality of the meat won't be the same.

  2. its chicken - unless you wanna risk food poisoning, pull them out the night before, put them on a plate on the BOTTOM SHELF(so theres no risk of any juice dripping onto other items) of your fridge.  They should be defrosted after 24 hours.  Leaving them at room tremperature will encourage the growth of any bacteria present in the chicken

  3. I normally take it out in the morning and let it defrost on the work surface.

    If you take it out the night before, defrost it in the fridge, but it defrosts more slowly in the fridge so if you put it in there in the morning, then it wont be defrosted in time for the evening meal!  Does that make sense?!

  4. The best way would be the fridge, you don't want the chicken to get between 41 and 135 degrees F for more than 4 hours.

    I would pull them the night before and let them thaw on the bottom shelf of the fridge till the next day. If they are still a little frozen you can run them under cool water (no hotter than 70 degrees F) or in the microwave IF you are going to cook them immediately.

    Hope this helps!

  5. take them out 1st thing in the morning, they'll be fine, room temp.

  6. 1, Overnight in the fridge or

    2, Out in a large pot of water first thing in morning

    3, In the microwave at 20% power for 20 minutes 2 hours before cooking

  7. Yeah we went over this in class last week how to defrost things and chicken is the hardest because it can be real harmful. The best way to defrost anything is in the fridge, yeah I thought it was kind of weird but at room temp. the bacteria can reproduce rapidly, or you can microwave it a little.

    Hope I helped !

  8. Leave them out to defrost at room temp. The should be fine. if their not defrosted by then put them in some cold water for a bit.

  9. okay so here is how.

    since you bought chicken b*****s, it's normal to defrost them by taking them out from the freezer and just leave them infront of the electric fan, or actually just leave it out. you might want to wash it a bit before you do that. if you are going to cook it at 5pm, you can take it out at 3pm (depending on the size.) never let it too defrosted because it can have salmonella. so use the chicken right after it has defrosted.

    oh by the way, i have no idea how much chicken you have. so depending on the size, you can take them out earlier.

  10. If you put them in the fridge the night before you want to cook them - they will defrost slowly be okay to cook at 5pm.

    If you take them out of the freezer just before you go to work, still put them in the fridge to defrost and then when you get home take them out of the fridge and they will finish defrosting at room temperature.

    The only way we leave them defrost at room temperature to defrost is if someone who is at home all day gets them out of the freezer at lunch time.

    We have been doing the above for YEARS at home with no ill affect.

  11. They will defrost quicker if you put them in a bowl of cold water. Take them out the night before if you can, but the water trick will do it if you forget.

  12. Bring it out in the morning and leave it to thaw at room temperature until you're ready to cook it. It it feels as if it's thawed out too soon you can always put it in the fridge until you're ready, but I'm sorry - there's too much of this "Oh chicken is SO dangerous" nonsense all the time - just cook the damned stuff properly once it's thawed  and you'll have no trouble ! ! !

    Now watch the know-it-all do-gooders go berserk with the thumbs down button!

  13. The proper way to defrost chicken according to the board of health is to let it sit in the refigerator for 3 days. But you could UNSAFELY rapid thaw it in a sink of COLD water that is constantly drained and replenished for four hours.

  14. If you want to eat them for dinner and take them out in the morning, the counter or the fridge will do fine either way. If it is very hot out then I suggest the fridge, I always opt for that and my mother likes to do the counter thing. It is all up to you.

    If you forgot to take them out and only have a little time to defrost them, the microwave has a defrost button, you pump in the ounces and they will come apart. They don't need to be defrosted all the way, you can cook them partially frozen (not that much frozen of course) and make sure to watch out because the microwave does tend to cook them sometimes.

  15. The health department recommends 3 safe ways for thawing meat:

    1)  Leave in the fridge.  This will take 2-3 days for the chicken to thaw.

    2)  Thaw under cold running water.  It shouldn't take longer than an hour.

    3)  Microwave.  The chicken will thaw in the microwave less than an hour using the defrost program.

    Never leave meat sitting out at room temp.  The danger zone for food is the temperature range 41 F to 140 F.  Food that has been in this temp range longer than 4 hours needs to be thrown away.

    Never thaw meat in standing water.  The water HAS TO BE running. Thawing in standing water is a VERY dangerous way to thaw meat.  Bacteria will have lots of time, moisture and the ideal temperature to reproduce rapidly.

    These are the rules that restaurants have to follow when thawing meat.

  16. safest is,put them as they are in a bowl the the lowest part of fridge.bowl for the melting ice not to let the water drip over other things

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