
How to describe the sounds of a fight?

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Pretend your sitting at a bus stop one night, when behind you a brawl starts inside a pub. How would you describe the noises that happen?

Eg. Glass shattered followed by more muffled shouts and cursing.

Sounds that may occur: Cursing, shouting, chairs smashing, glass shattering, people bumping.

I don't know how to link it all up into a paragraph in words.




  1. BAM






  2. Well all sounds and words would be muffled. So you would hear clips of words, grunts, screams, moans. Take the word crash and grab a thesauras and then think of all the things you can break. Think girls screaming and trying to convince people to stop fighting. They sound what? Breathy, squeaky, desperate, scared, loud, pathetic?. Think of girls fighting an dmen cheering them on. What sounds do women make when they fight?. Glass shattering, people stepping on it. People fainting then at the sight of blood. Thumps as their bodies hit the ground. Bar tender threatening to call the cops. Sseveral people runing out the door which hits the wall as its thrown open. People talking on phones between gasps with the cops barely making sense, speaking in clipped sentences. The couple making outside startling at all the excitement. Could you hear the slurpping as they made out and the pop as they broke apart?

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