
How to destroy wal-mart?

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wal-mart has driven all of our favorite family owned shops out for it's cheap brands and low prices. I want to boycott so badly, because we used to have very nice shops around, but then they turned it into a super wal-mart and it's located in the heart of town.




  1. Learn about the ugly side of Wal-Mart, then tell everyone. Make a youtube video and spread it around myspace and facebook. Tell everyone how they will benefit from not shopping there.

  2. All you can do is not give them your business.

  3. Watch the walmart south park episode, you have to kill it's heart, which is in the electronics, near the T.V.'s

  4. wal-mart will never be will soon take over the nation...we will soon be called US of Wal-Mart

  5. I won't shop there myself, and as much as possible give my business to family-owned and locally-operated business.

    All we can do is encourage others to do the same.

  6. Convince many more people to boycott them and Wal-Mart is doomed.

  7. The simplest answer to "how to destroy wal-mart?" is simply to not shop there.

  8. Resistance is Futile! You boycott them now and you will be getting the MEGA WAL-MART !

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