
How to deter rabbits in the garden humanly

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How to deter rabbits in the garden humanly




  1. It is very human to shoot rabbits in the garden.

  2. The only sure way to deter rabbits is to fence them out. I found that rabbits like the newly planted over a plant that has been in the ground for 3 years or longer. I fence in my new planting (I know it is not pleasing for the eye) but that is the only way to keep them from eating my plants. After a couple of years I remove the fencing and I have very minimal damage. All the deterrents I bought in the marketplace just didn't work for me. I'm sure this isn't the answer you were seeking but I'm being honest and giving advice from years of gardening experience.  

  3. I sprinkle my left over coffee grains around my  plants, sometimes I also rip open my tea bags and spread that around my roses.

    it works for me,

  4. Have humans stand out there and yell at them.  OH, you mean humanely!  I think if you spray some water with tobasco sauce around your plants, they don't like the taste.

  5. try a small fence around your garden...or get a big ole dog.  I have a 90 pound hound dog and he keeps EVERYTHING out of my garden....good luck...

  6. I love this page, lots of natural hints for keeping rabbits away:

    My mom used dried blood sprinkled around the edge of the garden. I have a neighbor who used human hair, from a local salon. I never had a problem with bunnies myself, too many loose dogs in my neighborhood.  

  7. i agree i had to put a fence can go to any home improvement store and get chicken wire and some 1x1's. figure out how deep you want the 1x1's in the ground then staple the chicken wire on according to your ground measurement..this is cheap and easy you can leave it up for next year! good luck!

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