
How to deterime how serious a Lump right next to my Groin is??????

by  |  earlier

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I am a 24 white female and I noticed a lump about the size of a pea maybe a bit bigger. It wasnt sore at first,l but has started to get a bit tender but I think this is because I keep sqeezing it in panick it could be something to worry about. I am very concerned because when you feel a lump you automatically think cancer and its on my mind most of the time. Obviously you cannot detect cancer unless you have a test and see a doctor. But, I work and I know it will be a week or so before I can get an appointment at my doctor surgery, as they are useless.

Im just looking to get some advice just in case it does not get any smaller before I see a doctor.

I just wonder how can you tell whether its just a swollen gland, or that lymp node people keep goin on about.

I does seam to have a funny colour beneath the skin like as though there was a vein there.

How likley is it to be cancer. Im very frieghtened and also if i can prevent seeing a doc. i would because you know i dont particullary want to show them my down below (no mater how many times I have before that is).

Any advice is much appreciated?

Regards Erin




  1. FNAC ,

  2. That is a swollen lymph node. You have them all over, in certain areas, and that is one area where they do live. Stop squeezing it, it's not going to help anything.

    It could be nothing, it could also be a sign of lymph cancer.

    I don't want to freak you out here, but it's something you won't be able to know, so you need to make a doctor's appointment.

    It's not 'useless' because it takes a week to get an appointment.

    If it WERE cancer, one week wouldn't make any difference anyway, but ignoring it is not the thing to do here, so call the doctor, OK?

  3. You find out how serious it is by taking your lump and your groin to your doctor.

    And if you think they're useless, go to a different doctor.  Odds are, they probably have a whole raft of people who were in line ahead of you, so you have to wait your turn.  A week's wait isn't all that bad - I've scheduled appointments where I waited 2 months.

    It's not impossible for this to be cancer, but at your age it's unlikely.  Stop picking at it and squeezing it - it's not a zit, and you won't improve things any by doing so.

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