
How to determine if people are trying to get less for your horse?

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i'm selling my horse and i'm trying to work out who is dishonest and trying to swindle me with money. how do you tell a dishonest buyer?




  1. Well, you have to set your price.  People will always try to get a horse for the least that you will take.  If you are serious about your price, stick to it.  No one can swindle you if you only take the amount you want.  I'm not sure about dishonest buyer; they are giving you the money, you are not giving it to them.

  2. Most people will ask for a lower price.

    i know i have. or they try to get deals.

  3. dont sell your horse through an email.. its too valuable.. sell it using or [both free picture ad sites.. craigslist is only local] or your local paper.. anyone who wants you to ship your horse is scamming.. also if they ask your final price that also typically means they are scamming you. also many scammers are quite famous.. google their email address. then make sure you can communicate over the phone and that they want to come out to see your horse and try him out [who REALLY wants a horse they dont even see???] ...then they should agree to pay cash-in-hand.

    also, everyone is likely to widdle your price down.. if they dont have to pay full price they arent going to.. but if you are sure he is worth every penny, dont go lower..

    i got my mare for $750 when she was being sold for $1000... she is actually worth $5000-$8000 but the owners didnt see her potential.. i offered $600 cash-in-hand and we settled on $750 since she was going to a good home.. just because someone asks lower doesnt mean they arent honest. i was talking to the girl face-to-face at this point. usually if you make a sale in person then you know its a good sale, but i would also google their name once you have it.. to see if they have something on their about horse slaughter or anything.. good luck!

  4. All posters have GREAT points here.  Especially the internet scams.

    I always tell the folks on the internet that if you want to buy my horse/saddle or tractor, just have cash in hand and you can pick it up.  No CASH, no sale.

    As for dickering on the price, that's part of "horsetrading", if you give a few bucks on the price chances are that the buyer will use the saved money and spend it on their new horse.

  5. Are you referring to people that actually come and look at your horse or those people on the internet that are there for one reason, and that is to swindle you.  If that is what you are talking about, just ignore them or write back and say that you insist that the buyer meet you fact to face and try out your horse so that you know that all parties are compatible...just remember, it it's too good to be true, it probably isn't true.  If there is a doubt in your mind, just don't bite...

  6. Are you talking about internet scams?  If so, they're usually pretty easy to spot.  Right off the bat they'll typically tell you that they've seen your ad, want your horse, what's the price, and that they will send you $$$ for yourself and the shipper.  Wanting you to pay the shipper.  There are variations from that, but I just dig a little deeper, and if the answers they come back they say they don't have time to come check the horse out, and that a vet check isn't necessary.... anything that makes me nervous, I give them two options.  They can send the extra $$$ to purchase the horse to the shipper, and the shipper can give me the cash (reverse their game on them) or they can send the money western union.  In order to compensate them, I tell them I'll subtract the western union fees from the purchase price.  That usually gets rid of them.

  7. Check with a livestock auctioneer. Do you have bloodlines and documentation? That's the best I can tell you. After all, it's been called horse trading for over 150 years!

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