I've got my fair share of learning issues, such as ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit, Expressive Language Dissorder, Spatial Orientation issues, Visual Figure Ground Problems, Auditory Figure Ground Problems, Visual Memory Deficit, Visual Sequencing Dissorder, Auditory Memory Deficit. So yeah,I've got some issues. By the way, after ADHD, those are all considered 'Specific Learning Disabilities'. To me it's not really that important, but it may be as far as suggesting learning strategies, because essentially, my learning strategist is useless. I really think it would help me to know my learning syle, but I really don't know much about it. Any tips or on-line quizzes to help me figuire it out? Once I know this information, how can I use it to my benifit?
Sorry this is so long, I wasn't really sure what to include, but thank-you you so much for your input.
(By the way I'm in high school and also coded as gifted if you can beleive it)