
How to determine my own learning style and using learning strategies that complement it?

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I've got my fair share of learning issues, such as ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit, Expressive Language Dissorder, Spatial Orientation issues, Visual Figure Ground Problems, Auditory Figure Ground Problems, Visual Memory Deficit, Visual Sequencing Dissorder, Auditory Memory Deficit. So yeah,I've got some issues. By the way, after ADHD, those are all considered 'Specific Learning Disabilities'. To me it's not really that important, but it may be as far as suggesting learning strategies, because essentially, my learning strategist is useless. I really think it would help me to know my learning syle, but I really don't know much about it. Any tips or on-line quizzes to help me figuire it out? Once I know this information, how can I use it to my benifit?

Sorry this is so long, I wasn't really sure what to include, but thank-you you so much for your input.

(By the way I'm in high school and also coded as gifted if you can beleive it)




  1. GIFTED! Yes, I believe it! I could tell just by your question. The fact that you wish to identify your learning style to find appropriate strategies that will help you is mind blowing!

    Obviously, you were tested for your learning differences, the results of which can be used to identify your specific learning style. Also, in the final pages of the report it may have outlined learning strategies for you. Ask your parents if you can take a look at it.

    You are obviously a remarkable young lady. I have a remarkable young lady in my household as well. She is only in the 5th grade. She too has many of the differences that you do. She too is gifted. I can only pray that her challenges do not discourage her and she will grow up to realize how truly blessed she is. I hope you realize what a gift you have as well.

    I wish I could give you advice on learning strategies. I am still learning myself. What might work for my daughter may not work for you. But, I am sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will figure it out. Take Care. The future of our world looks much brighter because of people like you!

  2. One thing that probably is very important to accommodate your learning disabilities is to use as many visual supports as possible. Here are a list of things that need to be on your IEP accommodations page. They will help you immensely!

    *Teacher to provide desk copy of all information written on the board or overhead.

    *Teacher to provide copy of notes for lectures.

    *Use graphic organizers for all work that complex such as writing or understanding verbal lectures.

    *Use enlarged print for handouts.

    *Allow student to write in test booklet.

    *Demonstrate or show completed projects before a lesson.

    You can do some of these things yourself. Here is a good website to get graphic organizers. There are many more if you don't find what you need.

    The reason that I suggest graphic organizers is so that you can add a structure to your mental schemata. When ideas are organized into concepts, then they are easier to remember. Because you are gifted, these could be the answer to a lot of things.

    Because of your learning deficits, I suspect that you are a hands on, kinesthetic learner because these are the areas that are not impacted by your disability. This also supports your ADHD.

    Also, It may be very difficult for you to envision a whole from the sum of it's parts, which is very common in kids with SLD. They are holistic learners who do best when they see the big picture before parting it out.

    Here is a pretty good website for taking a detailed test. When I took it, it was quite accurate.

  3. There are 2 thinking styles:

    Verbal thought - people who think in words

    Non-verbal thought - people who think in pictures

    There are 2 other names for non-verbal thought:

    Visual-spatial or picture thinkers

    We can all think in both modes but when it comes to learning, we tend to specialize in one mode.  It is very rare, but sometimes a person only has the picture thinking.

    All the labels you have been given indicate that you are a picture thinker.  

    There is a program that uses the picture thinking style to help you get the success in learning you desire.  It is a fun method!

  4. How did you learn your favorite hobby? Let's say you are a skateboard mechanic in your spare time, did you learn from books, other people, or did you dive right in to the nuts and bolts?

      Are you verbal, visual ? How are youyr spatial abilities?


    Copy and paste this link and it will give you the results that you want.  It is a test of multiple intelligences.

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