
How to detox in less than 1 week?

by  |  earlier

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I have to do a urine test as a part of a job interview, any ideas on how to detox in less than a week? I only smoke weed, around 5 times a week. Please only serious remarks... a big potential job is on the line.




  1. If there is a store near by that sells bongs and pipes and stuff that kind of store... they might have a drink called detox you should only ever take it once in your life and it totally clears out your system... but isnt really harmful just not good to do regularly.. if you dont have one of those stores they might sell it at a pharmacy(drug store) near you... im pretty sure

  2.'ll hate this answer....but employers want employees who are drug free for a reason.  It's your decision to smoke the stuff - deal with the consequences.

  3. You can use Market America. They have excellent detox stuff. My mom sells it if you want to buy some...e-mail me.

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