
How to develop Self Esteem ?

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How to develop Self Esteem ?




  1. It's having control over oneself. Not letting it happen at the mercy of others.

  2. tell your self that you can do this...even if you think, you cant do something or think that you are bad that way, PRETEND that you can...after pretending you can do so and so, you will develop a habit of thinking positive about yourself, and that will raise your self esteem significantly..

    TRUST ME...I am saying this by experience!!

  3. Look in the mirror, focus on your strong quality, NOT your negative qualities. Get a hobby and know that you are beautiful. Don't let criticizing get to you (its pointless and the criticizer is probably insecure themselves) Overcome the past (if you had a rough one or were teased or belittled), empower yourself with your strength, grace && beauty. It's a matter of reprogramming your mind. DON'T compare yourself with others (thats the worst problem with self esteem...or for me it was) && dont let Hollywood brainwash you with their "thin is in" mantra. In life, it is absolutely necessary to love yourself, to respect yourself && to expect things of yourself. Lift your shoulders and dont look down when you walk. Trust me, you will be the girl that turns heads & everyone says 'Wow! She seem so confident and sure of herself! I wish I was like that...!' =)) good luck! It's a journey.

  4. I develop self esteem by saying to myself i can do this! also dont beleive all the stuff and gossip people spread! that will make your self esteem GREAT. Also, basically, its your mind! not you! YOUR MIND!



    Here's what you'll gain from regular Meditation...

    (1) Improved mental focus and better physical health;

    (2) Your connection to Spirit is strengthened no end;

    (3) Many of the medical markers measuring physical aging slow down, and some even reverse!;

    (4) Spiritually, meditation creates the Antakarana; the rainbow bridge between your waking consciousness and the Higher Self.

  6. hey dear if u r in pune, bangalore or in chennai then i do know a good organization which can certainly boost up ur self esteem. the name of the organization is PEOPLE FIRST and the website is believe me that help to get back my lost self esteem and boost by performance in just 2 days workshop and its so fun....... go try it. search in orkut to for the possible community for this organization and take help form the peer.

  7. The big push for Self Esteem in the last 20 years, in my opinion, has been very misguided, in the way it's been taught.

    We've had education that basically tells kids to think highly of themselves, even if there's no reason for it.

    I don't think this really helps anything, and it doesn't really work either, because at some point, they realize it's a farce, and they're now adults with no self esteem.

    All you end up with are a bunch of people who are arrogant and self-centered, for no reason.

    REAL Self Esteem comes from actual accomplishment.

    Even small things.

    To be good at something, something that other people see value in, is what brings self esteem.

    And I'm not talking about wanting to be a movie star, model, sports figure, or celebrity either.

    REAL things, like helping other people, getting a job, being good at something, whether it's photography, helping at church, or a charity, or just working at a job to support yourself, something that is concrete, and is quantifiable.

    That brings REAL self esteem.

  8. HI self estee is very easy to develop. first thing u should keep in mind is u can and oly u can . u should never feel underestimated or never feel lazy to go in for a work. always feel that nothing is impossible and everything is possible in life . if u follow this u will a role model oneday to others

    all the best lead a happy life.

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