
How to develop a great 3 point shot?

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Im a decent shooter from downtown but I play guard and coaches need there guards to be able to hit the trey consistently. Any tips on what I could do to become a better three point shooter???




  1. Bend your knees and square your shoulders to the basket, have a wide stance and bend your knees. Always make sure you are balanced when shooting.

    Explode upward and shoot the ball on the way up.

    Your elbow must remain straight when shooting. That means your elbow is always pointed in the direction of the basket.

    Concentrate on flicking your wrist straight. Hold your follow-through until the ball goes through the hoop. All of the ball's momentum and spin should come from your wrist. The power for the shot is provided by your legs.

    A good jump shot has a high arc that reaches its highest point 2/3 of the way towards the rim. When shooting, think of your shot as going up and out. The balance of the two is what makes a jump shot go in.

    For your follow through, when you are releasing the ball, snap your wrist so your hand looks like you are about to put it in a cookie jar. This gives the ball backspin.

    Remember to focus on beef. B is for balance, E is for eye, E is for Elbow and F, is for Followthrough. Remember to always face the basket and be balanced.

  2. yeah its really simple practise it form one spot for a while then  once u can hit that consitantley keep going around till u can hit them. all u can do is practise theres no other way ur gunna just start knockin them down

  3. Practice shooting from a couple feet beyond the arc each time: I've noticed that someone who practices threes a lot may not be great at them but is cash money once he takes one step inside the arc.

  4. 1. Work until your shooting form is perfect.

    2. Practice the 3pt shot over and over and over.

  5. Also strengthen your legs.  That push will make your long distance stroke easier.

  6. experiment with how much arch you use on your shot

    sooner or later you'll discover the amount of arch that compliments your shot

  7. Grow about 6 inches taller and become black.

  8. practice practise practise, and set up a rope that hangs down off a pole in front of you so you can align your body straight as you shoot

  9. Yes, if you're already a decent shooter all you need is consistency. The best way is to go to any indoor/outdoor court that has a three point arc on it- if you want NBA 3 point range just shoot about 2 feet beyond the line-, then start on one of the sides and shoot 5 shots from there...then shoot 5 from the corner..then 5 from the top of the arc facing the basket.....then 5 on the other corner and finally 5 from the other side. Your friend can help by retrieving the ball and passing it to you, it kind of simulates catching a pass and shooting in a real game.

    I do this drill with a buddy of mine all the time and we compare scores out of 25 possible shots. We usually repeat the drill at least three times. It's worth a try and repetition is the key..

  10. It's all practice.  Shooting every day from that distance while mixing in the shorter range jumper.  Lifting weights will also help strengthen your body so you can continue to pull the trey late in games even though you're fatigued.  I developed my three point shot in college during the summers between my fresh./soph. year and then again between soph./jr. seasons by lifting, shooting, and then playing a lot of one on one where I wasn't allowed to drive any closer to the basket than 15ft.  Helps develop proper arc when you have a hand in your face.  You will also want to determine whether you're better spotting up and receiving the ball to shoot or creating the three off the dribble.  Initially you're going to have a preference for one over the other, so you'll be able to focus in on one to bring them in line.  Lastly, train yourself to follow your shot after a three.  It's not nearly as glamorous when it goes in, but your coaches will love you for it when it doesn't and there's another rebounder down there.  Good luck.

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