
How to develop handwriting?

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How to develop handwriting?




  1. i hate to sound so cliche, BUT practice makes perfect. keep practicing and its going to get better.

  2. it makes one very happy to know that in todays computer world someone cares to better his handwriting. it is lots of work and dilligence pen and paper and write write write only way we had dedicated teachers i dont know whether teachers of toda y care i do hope as writing well is an art sld not be lost

  3. The main point is to keep practicing,

    Use a good affordable pen that you feel comfortable using, study others styles and try to evolve their witting into your own. Keep your spaces consistent and dot and cross your "I"s and "T"'s. Loop your witting as it makes it look more efficient. Good luck and keep practicing

  4. Choose A pen which suites you and grip it a little bit practise makes a men/women keep writing...........Good Luck!

  5. keep praticing..

    like maybe copy from a really good person's handriting and then keep tracing it every day

    it will help

  6. practice  with   concentration

  7. USE CURSIVE WRITING BOOKS.It is available everywhere.Practice on it daily.

    2 pages per day. It will really help u to improve writing.

  8. just keep practicing... and don't copy sum1 else's handwriting, you've gotta hv ur own style.

    write down all alphabets in a way you want them to be wen you write, practice that and you'll get that way of writing.

    P.S : do not copy any specific aspect of sum1 else's handwriting unless you've got no other idea. you've to be different frm others yet excellent in dat difference.

  9. you can buy these copy books that help you out. They have different lines on them that indicate where to stop and start the uppercase or lower case letters. other than that, just keep it all looking the same. if you tend to slant to the left, have all the text that way, if you used joined letters, keep it all the same, it'll look neater.

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