
How to develop patience 7 year old is annoying!?

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How to develop patience 7 year old is annoying!?




  1. All seven-year-olds are annoying!  They think they're so much "bigger" than when they were six, that they can act like grownups.  They're bossy and opinionated.   They think they know everything.

    They get sweet and loving and enjoyable again after they turn 8.  So take's only temporary!

  2. Let me know when you find out I have a seven year old daughter and she drives me nuts!

  3. Kids will be kids.

    Get used to it..

  4. I noticed too, last night my husband was trying to watch a show and my 7 year old son was trying to tell him about some show that he watched. My hubby said not now, shhhhhh, I'm watching this,  etc. We have a time set for each of our 3 children to tell us about their day, usually at the dinner table.  I still hear about it all day long though. I told my hubby later that night that he will not be 7 forever and things that he says are so cute, I can't help but to smile and think how I wished my day would have been that easy.

  5. I have an 8 year old that asks so many questions and talks talks talks!  They are annoying but when I start reacting like I am annoyed I have to step back and remind myself not to be hard on him because I remember the same experiences with my mother and I felt no love when she would get annoyed with me so quick, so I make sure to take a step back and hug him or remind him that I love him.  Sometimes I even change the subject and ask him about school or how is day was just to let him know I am still interested in hearing what he has to say.  Just take the time to remember not to act so quickly and you will be fine.

  6. Join the club!!  I love my daughter, but her attitude can really set me off.  Take a deep breath, and don't yell!  I made a new years resolution that I would only raise my voice if it was the last resort.  I scold her in my normal "inside" voice and it's just as effective, and I don't get my blood pressure up as high.  Now when I DO have to raise my voice she knows she's in for it and the response is immediate.  If your child is just being loud and obnoxious, encourage them to get involved in a quiet game or go outside and play.

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