
How to dial a cell phone in France, the number i have is 00664243XXX?

by  |  earlier

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Don't know i if I have to dial 0033+ 00664... or just 0033+664... or there is a prefix! I'm trying to call from Mexico




  1. did you dial 011 first country code.

  2. Well the number you gave us is wrong but I think you made a mistake when copying it.

    When calling you have to do the 00 + 33 ( I don't know if in Mexico you use the 00 or another one like the US do ) then the phone number without the first 0. But here you gave us 2 zeros at the start with is wrong. French phone number don't have 2 zeros at the beginning but only one. So you should do 00 + 33 + 664243XXX.

    So you should dial 13 digits not more. The one you gave us is a cell phone as it begins with a 6.

    If you use Skipe on a computer the just tyle the phone number as it is 0664243XXX

  3. well i know that from Mexico to the us you dial

    001 (area) then number so i would assume

    003 300 664  

    but for more accuracy dial "0" and ask your operator

  4. You need to dial:  011-33-6-6424-3XXX

    011 = international code

    33   = country code (France)

    6     = indicates cell phone

               the remaining 8 numbers are local

  5. You have to dial 011 to get out of Mexico, then 33 which is the country code for France, then start with 664243... (eliminate the zeros)

    So, 01133664243XXX

  6. Long Distance Calls from Mexico

          To a Mexican telephone number: 01 + city code + local number

          To the U.S. or Canada: 001 + area code + local number

          To other countries: 00 + country code + city code + local number

          Operated-assisted calls in Mexico: 020

          Operated-assisted calls to other countries: 090

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