
How to discipline a five year old......?

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I'm giving her time out in the bathroom for about 5 to 10 min.

My husband doesnt agree with me and he thinks its cruel. Taking away tv, computer, toys ect does not work.




  1. It is better to put her out in a chair in an open place like the living room, and tell them what they did wrong and how long their timeout is. That way, your child doesn't feel trapped.

    If your child screams, talks, cries, or yells, ignore it (unless it is an emergancy). If they get up, without talking put them back in the chair. Continue to do this until your child sits in the chair for the said time out time. Start the time over every time your child gets up. It is hard the first several times, but it really is affective

  2. You've tried negative reinforcement. Try using Positive reinforcement.

    Give her a treat or a surprise when she's being a good girl. Show her that you have authority over her.

    If that doesn't work,  go the old fashion way. ( spanking)

  3. Giving her a time out in the bathroom in my opinion doesnt really help a child learn what they did wrong.

    Maybe talking to her about it might gelp her understand more.

    Or giving her rewards ONLY when she does a good deed, to help her realize that what else she is doing is bad.

  4. time out in the bathroom is not really a punishment i always found fun things to do in the bathroom when i was a child. make her do yard work. that always sucks. like have her pull weeds or even mow the lawn.

  5. Bathroom?  I personally think 15-20 in the 'family' room would be a safer option.

    Unless she is a very mature 5 yr old there could be potentially

    harmful items in a bathroom.

    Being punished IN the corner of the family room , but being 'isolated' FROM whatever is taking place in the room would be a punishment. Just give her time to 'miss' being free to join in the family circle and THINK about what she said  (sass?)  or did! ...

    Reassure her of your love after punishment is over...

    What's the 'crime' anyway?  Hugs, MawMaw

  6. Time outs are not at all 'cruel or unusual' -  I usually stick to the rule of time out minutes = the child's age. If they are 3, they get 3 minute time outs.. and so on.

    It also depends on what you are disciplining for. If it is hitting, a firm discussion and time out is warranted. If it is for 'not cleaning up' - a discussion and 'I'll help you' would usually be appropriate.

    Talking is really a BIG key - but in addition, time out's can help a child calm down if need be.

  7. i know its wrong but fear works

  8. i heard locking a kid in a room by themselves could b tramtic to them, if it's small.

    try sittin the kid in a chair facing the wall, set a timmer next to him for about 5- 10 mins

  9. It is not cruel to put a child in time out as long as you are explaining why you are doing it so that she understands.

    It's not as if you are locking her in with the lights off!

    However, I don't think I would do it in the bathroom as she might come to associate the bathroom with being punished, which could lead to bad "toilet habits" perhaps?

    A stool in the corner to act as her "time out chair" would probably be preferable.

  10. Whatever works, including the belt.  Respect for one's parents is more important than a red tush.  Time out in the bathroom would work for me.

  11. I just answered a similar question... and I am going to say the same thing again.

    I have a four year old, and spankings and time-outs didn't work.  I have resorted to a wooden spoon. It only took one spanking from that for him to realize that I meant business. All I have to do now is pull it out or mention it and he stops what he is doing.

  12. timing out is not cruel u need 2 teach that 5 year old some discipline and if that dont work register to get one of those super nannies

  13. When she is bad punish her and when she is good always remember to reward her. e.g  Take away her toys when she is bad and give her one back when she is good. Make a chart with stickers BAD and GOOD Stickers. Or try the naughty corner/Step/Chair...That way you can keep her/him in the same room, altho i don't think it is cruel to put them in a separate room.

    Always go down to her level (Bend or on your knees) Eye contact is important) and explain reasons for punishment and make sure she understands why. Also after the punishment, try and get her to appoligise and explain again why she was punished, that way she should get the point and understand unacceptable behavior is not rewarded.

  14. Simply squeeze his knee, not hard, just enough so he is not in pain, but realizes that if he struggles there might be pain. He then realizes who truely is in charge.

  15. Not in a Bathroom silly!

    On some Stairs. And after 10 Mins, and  he/she behaves him/her self, then give them a Cookie or something sweet. She/he will learn to be good!

  16. using a stick or metal pipe may work to your benefit, not the child's he he he.

  17. It depends on the reason for the discipline. Often a child acts out in an attempt to get the parents' attention. She may benefit from some extra play time with you.

    I suggest checking out the Yahoo group No More Spanking. They offer wonderful suggestions for gentle discipline.

  18. i think time out for 5 minutes is fine, it is better than smacking your child, what would your husband prefer?  it's not cruel as children need boundaries and shouldn't be allowed to get away with being cheeky or naughty, i often put my daughter in time out  at the bottom of the stairs when she is cheeky or naughty but it doesn't seem to be working as she screams her head off and bangs the door. can you tell me if your child sits there quietly because mine certainly doesn't.

  19. I think your on the right track;)

  20. Using 1, 2, 3 magic discipline works. Give a one by saying you have a one as the first warning. If the behavior is repeated you give them a 2 by saying you have a two and  if the behavior is repeated again you go to number three and the child goes to time out. Time out for the number of minutes equaling their age. So your five year old gets 5 minutes.  It really does work!

  21. Why not have a timeout chair instead of the bathroom......that is the room to go to the bathroom.....not be punished. At her age 5 minutes is long enough after that she will not even remember what she was being punished for.

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