
How to dispel entrenched evil ( soiunds nuts but my relity )?

by  |  earlier

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Over years ago i was atacked by a monster who ruined my carereer for fun. Since then all my families resuorces are gone bankruptcy looming i gave had several nervous breakdowns. I gave up my latetest menial job( before the beast struvk i had a promising career ) to care from my mom with cancer.

Btw the canner should have caught months earlier but cause i had no decent check mom gave up her good insurance and went with medicare and saw a quack in the woods with a nasty nurse who wasted months on wrong diagnosis

As for the cancer oncology dr says she is gettin beter with treatment but its one set back after another collapsed lung, blood infection. Now is resisting treatments which could very well kill her if she misses alot. Mom is a strong fighter would not be like this without "help"

My question is can i beat this incidious demon or witch or whatever it is before it kills mom and makes me into raving madmen who cant be saved/ I have tried prayer counterspells,everythin nothin worksl What i have left is physical assault and that would leave mom with no one as the state would not see it as community service though it would be cause this thing runined other lives as well




  1. get down on your knees and pray,GOD is the only one who can help you.

  2. Confront it, if you and your family had done nothing to deserve this; kill it. Judge what is right, with a just eye and you shall recieve the authority.

  3. I have had small dealing in dealing with demons, normal needing them to be slain. I work with artifacts at a lab. We have special technolage to cause temporal cancers for a due healing prossess because of how we go about getting what we need to get.

  4. Just tell your ex-wife to leave you alone.

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