
How to display these qualities without beine a complete a*****e? to keep a girl interested. ?

by  |  earlier

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apprently these attract girls? well i want my 18 year old gf who hasnt had much experience.. to not think im too soft or anything cos i think it puts her off any idea how i can display some of the above listed :) thanks




  1. Unpredictability can also fall into spontaneity.  Do spontaneous things to show her you care.  SUrprise her with flowers at work.  Or pick a chick flick to watch when out on a movie date.

    Uncontrollable-  KNow what you want.  Stick to your own opinions and let her know what you like, but dont be completely stubborn and closed off to new ideas.

    Challenge- im not sure how you can be a challange if you really like this girl.  Be unavailable sometimes?  Dont always text or call or pick up?

    Dominance- You can be dominant in certain aspects, like when deciding where to eat, or in bed.

    But you should also keep in mind that you shouldnt try this hard to change just to impress a girl.  You should be yourself around her and if she's not satisfied with that, then maybe you should get a different girlfriend.

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