
How to dispose of nuclear fragments?

by Guest66799  |  earlier

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I have some fission chips. What should I do with them?




  1. The only way to decontaminate fission chips is to eat them and filter them through your system. This will then cause them to become inert and you can flush the fission chips down the toilet in a completely non-toxic form or whatever form trolls evacuate their systems in.

  2. Most of radioactive elements have really long half-lifes . They continue to decay while generations of men are passing.

    So a radioactive substance needs to be deposited in thick metal containers deep and deep underground , since nothing can be done to them while they decay.

    Call some emergency services.

  3. Sell them to terrorists, you could make a fortune!

  4. Your question sounds like a bad pun.  Fission chips = fish and chips

    Not very funny, although you seem to have a few folks fooled.

  5. blast em into space

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