
How to dive properly?

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So I have this problem..I know how to dive properly, but I can't do it in a game when the ball is in place..Could someone tell me why and the steps of diving correctly? I tend to fall on my knees which I know is NOT GOOD. And I'm afraid it looks me look bad. Thanks :)




  1. i just typically fall on the floor. nothing fancy. lol

  2. before you dive..make sure you KNOW where the ball is..once i dove here and the ball went there..let me tell ya..super embarrassing...use your stomach, make sure your hands are out of the way or else you might hurt yourself..have your coach taught you guys to do the roll yet? in order to have a super awesome dive..make sure you are LOW..that is the key low..if your standing up and you dive..well..good luck with that..if yuo are low'll be quicker and hurt yourself less..make sure after teh dive you get up immediately so that you won't hurt your teammates or get ran over..good luck..

  3. just dive for the ball and do what your instincts tell you to do.

  4. That also happens to me sometimes.  It's because you're so concentrated on getting the ball that you don't get the steps correctly. The correct steps are to put out your right leg lean on it with your arm reaching out as far as you can go and forming a fist then rolling out and opposite if you're left handed.

  5. First rule of thumb on chasing the ball is DON"T drop on the floor unless you have to.  That is move your feet first.

    Diving RIGHT takes practice.  

    Bring out your arm(s) where they need to be, extend your body.   Once you are on the floor or after the play, you want to roll.

    Rolling lessen the force you body take ..  lessen the pain.

    Your stomach should be contacting the ground FIRST.

    Not your chest nor pelvic bone.

    Key to this is  EXTEND YOUR BODY(striaght like an arrow)

    Have fun playing

  6. What i learned is to basically dive, but with one hand stretched out so you can get to the ball. What some people do is after they go down, sometimes they do a flip to get back up. If you are going to do that, i suggest stretching your back out. It isn't difficult. But you need to work on timing.

    Good Luck!! I hope this works for you!!

  7. its normal 2 B afraid !!! i mean u R diving 2 the ground but a key thing 2 remember is 2 hit the ball before u fall !!! if the ball is comeing 2 the right of u then stepoutward with your left foot... then bring your knee in and the lower u bend down the lower u will B and the less it will hurt ( u should contact the ball during this step)... and last land on your side with your arms extended !!! the most important thing is to get up as quickly as possible !!! GooD LucK

  8. Start out without using a ball for practice.  Stand in your ready position, and take it slowly so that you learn the motions.  Do this on one side, then try it to the other. After you know how to do it side to side, you can try and dive forward, because it is the same motion, only this time you are doing it to the front and not the side. Here are the steps in diving: Going to the right

    1. Start out in ready position.  Take a step away from you out to your right.

    2.  Lower yourself down to the ground with your legs, remember that the closer you are to the ground when you hit it, the less it will hurt.

    3.  Put your arm platform out and make contact with the imaginary ball.

    4.  After you have made contact, rotate your right foot under your body so it is in it's normal position to your body, this will allow you to bring your knee back in allignment with your body, and back into its natural position.

    5.  You DON'T want to land on your knee though, when you rotate your body around, and you get closer to the floor, push off of your left foot (your left leg should now be in the air, and straight), and land on the outside of your right thigh.

    6.  You should land with your right leg bent and uderneath of you, on your right thigh, with your left leg still straight out from your body and in the air.

    7.  While your body is doing that, you should still have your hands together and out to the side of you after making contact with the ball.  You slide them along the floor with you as you are sprawling.  If you get burns on your hands, it is because you are not doing it correctly and you put your hands to the floor too soon.

    8.  If you chose to roll, then do it, if not, it is really not that big of a deal as long as you can push yourself up quickly.  Rolling over your shoulder may look "cool" trust me, I did to when I was younger, but it can also cause you shoulder pain down the road.
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