
How to do Telekinesis Psychokinesis?

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Ive been practicing Telekinesis for a few days now and i do believe it can work

I can feel the energy between the palms of my hands

Ive been practicing on a psi wheel but cant get the paper to move

how can i get the paper to spin? i feel the energy just cant transfer it =(




  1. If it worked someone would have done it in controlled lab conditions by now.  The only way to do it is to imagined really hard or fake it.

  2. Sorry. I just think this is impossible.

    Trillions of dollars are spent every year on propulsion systems for military hardware, commercial jets and the like.

    I am sure if a proven means to propel missiles, jets, bombs and other aircraft were found in a person or array or persons, then this would be exploited. And don't imagine for one second that the military throughout the world haven't tried this time after time with expensive investigative programs. The fact is that no one has done it so far with a properly authenticated case. 100% of all demonstrations in this area either failed or were shown to be hoaxes.

  3. what a funny question! i can move things with my mind.  but when i open my eyes they're always right back where they started.  rats....

  4. The paper won't spin and you can't move any objects because TK/PK doesn't work.  The entire idea is fabricated.  There has never been a single verified case.  Don't believe me?  Feel free to look around.  On one hand you have many people claiming PK is real.  On the other hand you have absolutely no examples of it being used.  If it's real, as so many claim, then there would be hundreds (if not thousands) of people walking around moving things with their minds.  This is just not the case.

    So what is PK?  It is magical thinking.  You say you can "feel" the energy?  Well that doesn't surprise me.  You are concentrating on your hands, and in so doing you are convincing yourself that you are creating energy.  If you learned a bit more about the physiology of the body and the physics of the universe you would know a bit more about exactly what energy is.  It is a lot of things, but it's not some mystical cloud you can summon at will to move things around for you.

  5. Bob, I'm afraid the only thing you're feeling between your palms is the power of suggestion. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has ever got a psi wheel to spin using telekinesis. You'll certainly hear of some people who insist they did, not realizing it was a gust of air or an exhalation from their own breathing that did it.

    I'm certainly open to reviewing any new evidence to the contrary, and given reliable evidence I'd reconsider my position. But to date no such evidence has been forthcoming.

    So, if you succeed, you'll be the very first person in the history of mankind to demonstrate telekinesis. Good luck.

  6. Get mad

  7. Maybe you have to practice more, Remember that is difficult to develop telekinesis or psychokinesis when you're adult, because your unknown senses are not developed, and for that reason is difficult to do it.

    But however....Congratulations!!!!!!! Practice more and I promise you"ll son can do it =)


  8. If you concentrate long and hard you will surely convince your self that you have moved it.  Either that or blow a blood vessel out.

  9. LSD will have all sorts of things going on

  10. Because you have to give in to the Dark Side to fully reach your potential.

    Something...something...dark side...

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