
How to do a back bridge, i can get it to work!?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried countless times to do a backbridge, and have never succeded. I have been told how, but my arms are not strong enough to get me off of the ground. I have also tried doing one from standing up, and i can bend back far enough. Please help me! are there any excercizes or stretches that i could try??? PLEASE




  1. try standing with your back facing a wall, about 2-3 feet away from it.

    place your palms on the wall behind you at about head level

    then walk your hands down slowly until you get to the ground

    you are now in the bridge position

    and walk your hands back up the wall if you can.

    hope that helps

  2. if you can bend back far enought from standing why not just put your hands on the ground and you will be doign one. why do you want to do this anyway?

  3. if your trying to do it form laying then try first lifting yourself off hte ground belly down to get a hang of going up then when on your back try somthing like feet going up first then using hands to push up or the other way around to do standing ones i use a coach and then go down until my hands touch the cushions then use somthing farther down till i got it but this all was easy for me cause i have good core and arm srength so it might be harder for you at first till you get used to it

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