
How to do a head isolation?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i now know the name of the move but does anyone have any advice, techniques, or trick on how to do a head iso maybe a link because iv googled it and cant find anythin




  1. are you referring to pre-surgical isolation?  if so, are you thinking of do it yourself home surgery??  I am not criticizing you, I am just curious....try nursing book on 'surgical prep'....good luck, and watch out for the naysayers, I think you idea shows excellent initiative on your part...we may all be doing this type of thing soon, especially if the liberals get the white house.

  2. roll your neck

    look side to side

    look up and down

    put ears to shoulders

  3. jUsT FRom ThE TiTlE It sOuNdS SiCk

  4. well u can try this.

    1. first stand infront of a mirror

    2. then stare at one point

    3. start moving ur legs slowly in any direction u want and try keeping the head in the orignal position

    4. if u see that ur head ( or stare) is also moving , try again and see where u r going wrong.

    5. slowly start increasing the speed of ur body keeping the head straight.

    i think that would do ....!!


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