
How to do a kickover? Any good stretches or practises?

by Guest66532  |  earlier

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I know some stretches and practises already but i wondering if there is any other goods one




  1. Do yoga. It helps a lot and makes you reeeally flexible.

    As far as kickover, what type are you talking about?

    I WILL answer this question again when I find out more info on this kickover.

    Hope I helped for now,

    The Awesome One :D

  2. Ballet and yoga can help a lot for stretches.

    And if you sign up for ballet, a teacher may be able to help you with a backbend kickover, also called a back-walk-over.

    To do that go into the bridge position, feet and hands on the ground, and push back towards your arms, and hold it, it will stretch out your back and make it more flexible for a back-walk-over. It will hurt at first, so do that a few times a day. Then when you're more flexible, [[get a spotter!!!]] and practice. [[you also need strong legs to be able to kick over]]

    Hope this helps =D

  3. djklsjfkldshvokfdshodfshgviohsighsoihb

    thats how (:

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