
How to do a whole in a bottle cap???

by  |  earlier

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sup .... k so me and my sister are making these necklaces with bottle caps and yeah we would like to know if anyone knows how to make a whole thre it... we have tried burning a needle and a nail and tryed to put it through the bottle cap but it didn't work.... so yeah anyone with a personally personal experience it would be way more appreciated.... and for those that give me ideas of how you think it would work thank you and it is also greatly appreciated also...... thank you everyone....

the bottle cap...

and the necklace of where it's going to be through...

thank you everyone in advance....




  1. Slap that bad boy in a vice and pound a nail in it! Or use a drill... That would give it a nice clean look.

  2. use a stick of burning well for me. ; )

  3. get a drill and s***w a hole in the middle of it, or hammer a nail in it.

    Other than that google has it.

  4. You may have to flatten the cap and then take a small nail and use a piece of 2 X 4 wood and hammer the nail thru on the edge.  

    We use to do it this way years ago.  just watch how close you get to the edge of the cap.

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