
How to do it? Give personal examples if possible.?

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We all know how to live better lives and how to be better human beings. However, many of us find it extremely difficult to actually do it? Sometimes, we just can't get past things which limit us. Why is that so and what can we do to overcome it?




  1. At the age of 20 I was fed up completly with my ignorance and my methods. Then I started to investigate to see what's the catch.

    Sexual energy, spirituality ( read osho, he helped me alot) ...

    In the end, the best method to escape past, bad habits, or dreaming away is to retreat yourself forcefully into the present moment..

    Mind is overwhelmed when u are aware of the present moment. Too many things to intepret. U can only watch and be receptive. U don't have time to intepret. Mind needs time to interpret.

    The funny thing is that, in this way u start to see urself also, to understand that awareness, the watcher inside, is more real than what we are used to think about ourselves.

    The voyages into the past or future are methods of the brain to reach the objectives that are planted inside ur head: "get away from urself and try to be someone else, something else. Want things, they are ur happiness"

    In this way, u get away from your being, and unhapiness is the rule of the day.

    If you put ur will at test, and tend continuously to stay receptive in the present moment (this is what they say by meditation), the time will do the rest. Time erodes everything unused.

    So by not using old habits of going into the past or future, they will slowly die.

    A total different perspective will arise in u, when being free of old habits of going astray into the past or future (and I'm not against analyzing the past for clues or understanding)

    Hope I helped.

  2. because we dont have strenght to do so. its much harder then it sounds

  3. I think it's all about how we talk to ourselves.

    If you are a person who says "I can't"; "It's too hard", "I'm not strong enough" - then you will fail.

    But if you change the way you talk to yourself. Tell yourself good things, even if you don't believe them at first, you will begin to find strength. "I'm scared, but I can do it anyway"; "I deserve what I want", "I can totally do this".....

    Personal example? I grew up with a drunk father, a mother who eventually married and divorced 4 men, and an abusive house.

    All those years, I imagined my life. And I told myself I could do it. And every decision I made was to accomplish my dreams.

    Now, I'm 30 years old. I live in Manhattan, have an amazing boyfriend who plans to propose this year. I have a great job. I'm starting night classes to chase my dream job: Interior Design.

    I went from miserable to happy. Because I told myself I could.

    Good luck.

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