
How to do magic?

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I've always wanted to learn how to do magic. I believe its real but i don't know where to start. Can anyone pass on a few suggestions?




  1. First of all, you need to define magic. Do you want to do illusionist tricks, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat? will teach you some, but it is not free.

    If you want to do spells, there are books on that, usually under Witchcraft.

  2. Learning Wicca:

    There is a wonderful free online Course called Wicca Revealed:

    Some Good Web sites:

    Some Good books to Read:

    Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

    By Scott Cunningham

    Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic

    By Scott Cunningham

    Truth about Witchcraft Today

    By Scott Cunningham

  3. Magick is like electricity, it is neither Black nor White it simply is what it is. There are many many magickal paths and it greatly depends on what resonates with you personally. I am personally  an odd mix of Ceremonial Magickian, Alchemist and Druid.  I would go to an occult bookstore in your area, or if you are not near one check online and read a bit about your options. Pick up a few books and see what works for you. I would also find a form of divination (tarot, runes, I ching, coins or anything really) that you feel comfortable with. It will help you to do a little magickal due dilligence before you step into anything.

    Magick is an experiencial process of ultimately changing yourself. We are the only thing we ever really can change with magick. I have worked with all sorts of entities for various purposes. Some things are just better equiped for certain jobs. You will hear a phase from the Emerald Tablet that states "As above so below" and it relates to the unity and nature of all Unity. I can assure you that people who think that Angels and Archangles are all fluff and light have never really worked with them. They are forces of nature themselves and are BIG BIG things. Forces of nature, like a rushing river, have no care for your personal well being or states of happiness. They move like glaciers in a Divine direction. Do not be fooled into thinking that their particular job title means that they are looking out for you. They have a very BIG view of the world and your whims are not their cares.

    I am a Ceremonial Magickian so my bend on the universe would be to recommend that you find on line a ritual called "The Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram". It's in Donald Michael Kraigs "Modern Magick" and all over the net. It's purpose it to align your personal sphere with the energy of the Universe. Sort of like striking a tuning fork and tuning a guitar. So I would give you the charge to follow the ancient phrase of the Mystery School and start by "Knowing thyself".

    Good luck and enjoy the journey!

  4. Yes, Magick is real and has been practiced in all cultures for many thousands of years.  A very good way to begin with a practice which is wholly safe and positive, and effective, is to do "angel magic".  That is working with angels and archangels in order to manifest healing and other, more material benefits for yourself, and perhaps others, thereafter.

    A very good book that combines theory and practice is *Angels: Companions in Magick" by RavenWolf.

    I'll assume that you are already wise enough to not become involved in magick which is designed to harm or control others.  That path is dark and will only cause you "appropriate" karmic return.

    Best of luck in practicing the art.  It is, actually, ultimately, a path to healing, wisdom, and higher consciousness.
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