
How to do you find constructive feedback

by  |  earlier

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I have a Flickr account and plan to get a paid account once I find a job. But in the meantime I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get more exposure and more importantly feedback on my photos. I'm just now learning and currently a point-and-shoot camera but plan to get a DSLR as soon as I can afford it. My goal is to eventually pursue a career in photography so looking for feedback now. My family gives me feedback, but it's not always the most objective or constructive. I know that my photos aren't exactly great and that a lot the things I want to learn require a DSLR but aren't there general principles I can learn/work on now with just the point and shoot that I have.

If you want to take a look at my photos they're here:





  1. dslr, then lights...

    post a question asking for critique - list one image at a time,

    from that you will get these types of answers:

    i love it

    i hate it   - both useless answers

    some will answer like this "your composition needs work, exposures could be better et cetera" - while it hurts - we are sensitive artists, its also useful to have others point out areas for improvement,

    hope that helps some


  2. ttp://

  3. I suggest you look into your local camera club. Clubs usually hold monthly competitions and the judges are quite knowledgeable. It is one of the best ways to learn and grow as a photographer as well as one of the least expensive ways.

  4. i think they're really good, especially for a p&s camera. i'm at your place right now, also. for me, i've been experimenting with iso and aperture. i got a little bokeh with a really small aperature! otherwise, i really like the medusa tree!

  5. my brother puts alot of his art on so you could try that its pretty cool

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