
How to do you tell somone that is a "shadow friend" and follows you around off? Politely and nicely?

by  |  earlier

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Thank you for all the great ideas ;o)




  1. If you really wanted to avoid her you could.  You just have to tell her that you are busy every time she comes over and then close the door on her.  She'll get the hint after a week or so and move on to another person.

  2. only go out at night and stay away from light sources...this should solve the problem without hurting anyone's feelings.

  3. Tell her that you need some alone time.

  4. Everytime she comes around tell her your busy.She'll get the point.

  5. Just ask her if she notices how much she follows you!

    nothing wrong with asking! oh well ifyour tone is mean then you words will be mean!

    so just watch your tone!

  6. CALL HER ON IT.  She may be embarassed enough to back off.

  7. tell her it's not about her, but you sometimes just enjoy doing something on your own. If that's not enough, tell her you don't like feeling responsible for her, and that she should make sure she has someone else to hang out with as well, for when you're not around.

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