
How to do your splits without stretching everyday i dont have the time!!!!!! help?

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How to do your splits without stretching everyday i dont have the time!!!!!! help?




  1. That is very impossible.

    You must stretch for months if you wish to get perfect right and left leg splits.

    There is no other way to achieve that kind of flexibility.

  2. if you are kind of close, if you want the pain, have a coach push you down, this hurts very badly, but then you will have it, cause it only hurts really bad for a couple of seconds, then it gets more mild

  3. Theres no possible way or else ull stretch a muscle and that does not feel good!!!

    U need to stretch alot tho!!!

  4. If you hold your split for 1 minute everyday for a week, you split will become 1 inch lower. 2 min/day= 2 inches/week, etc.

  5. im sure you can find a couple minutes everyday. just sit and hold it and keep pushing for it for 5 minutes a day. before you go to bed or something. there is really no other way.

  6. I have been dancing since i was 5...

    And i am now 14..

    And i can drop into both right and left splits without stretching and it doesn't hurt me.

    But if you are not that flexible then i would just stretch its so not worth the risk.

    Hope that kinda helped..



    <3 Jessy Kay

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