
How to dress for an interview

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Hi! I'm 14 this year, I'm going to a scholarship interview in a few weeks and I don't know what to wear! My mum thinks I can cobble together something from what she has, but I'm pretty nervous about giving the right first impression. About the scholarship, it's a scholarship to study abroad until I finish my A-levels, so it's big! I want to look serious about it, but I know they're looking for someone who has a really special personality, and I want to show that while I'm serious, I'm also pretty fun and teenager-y!

Thanks so much for your help!




  1. dont spray excessive perfume

  2. You should look smart, clean, and pretty :)

    A skirt and a nice blouse is a good choice, with some nice flats or low heels. Or a nice blouse and some smart trousers with a flat.

    Like this:


    I just read the line about the fun personality. Lean towards something like the outfit on the right on the website!

  3. business or business casual should do the trick

  4. go shopping and have in mind something formal but to suit your age explain to the salesperson the style you want. It will probably take long hours of searching but if you go to the right stores you will probably love the result. After all its something important to you so make every effort to have a worthy result  

  5. nothing gaudy, showy. matte, natural-looking nail polish. a long skirt and a white shirt would be the best. decent shoes.  

  6. Wear something tasteful and comfortable.  It will help your confidence.

  7. Wear a skirt, look smart but beautiful!

  8. Dress like you're going to church.

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