
How to drive low cost targeted traffic to AdSense page?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone,

I have recently built a website and decided to put AdSense ads on it. I have been trying different methods of driving traffic to the page, including making use of auction listings on auction websites, creating classified ads on classified ads sites, posting links in forums, submitting search engine optimized articles to article directories, and even made use of sites such as yahoo answers. Does anyone here have any experience in driving low cost targeted visitors (less than 1 cent per visitor) to web pages? I am looking to build traffic of at least 500 targeted visitors daily. Unfortunately, the website is not too attractive looking, even though it contains quality content. Also, I do not plan on updating the site in the near future. Please share your thoughts. Thank you very much.




  1. well, what else you can do ... you need to visit other websites and blog ..

    invite them to visit your blog. and exchange links with other websites and blogs as this is gonna make your website appears more on search engines .. make your website a google friendly .. here you'll find some helpful tips about increasing traffic to your website for free..

    plus some helpful tips about adsense and how to get the best earnings from it.

    I hope that u send me your website link ... u may contact me through my blog if u want.

    good luck

  2. I'm giving away a FREE ADSENSE EBOOK that will teach you how you can make 5 figure incomes with adsense a month.

    Check it out:

  3. I use autosurf programs like to get free hits to my site. They help a lot in getting your website higher in the search engines. I also have never paid for any advertising and my sites do well in search engines.

  4. What is your website address. I would like to see it so that I can give you a good suggestion.

  5. A website design is a key in getting traffic to stay at your site.

    Also, offers quality web design solutions.

    Go to for more info.

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