
How to drive my site to the top of the search engines?

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i have an site/forum and i want it showing up to th top search results page,How to drive my site to the top of the search engines?




  1. Are you rolling in dough?

    If so, you can use PPC like AdWords to promote your site. You can buy space on other sites to host your content with embedded text links back to your site, or you can buy links through link auctions. But all of these cost $$$.

    If money is tight, try these free, guerilla tactics:

    Blog other sites related to your site’s topicality, i.e. music. Close each post with your URL.

    Write articles on music and post them on These are picked up by other sites, each time providing a back link.

    Provide visitors with green content. Search engines like green, informational (non-sales) copy.

    Embed text links in your site’s body text connecting site pages. Spiders and visitors follow links. This ensures faster, more complete indexing.

    Submit your site’s URL to directories. Google “music directories.” There’s like a million of them.

    Use social sites to create links to your site, i.e. Facebook, Myspace and, if you can do a cool video, upload it to YouTube. All free exposure.

    Link to higher ranking sites related to music.

    Check Google Analytics and Diagnostics to make sure there aren’t any code or text problems.

    Use the Google keyword generator. Why swim upstream? Go with the 800-pound gorilla.

    Use keywords in site text and in the site’s HTML meta data. Make sure keywords are the same.

    Use keywords in headlines, headers and subheads. This gets them bolded in SERPs.

    Finally, add title tags to pages containing new content. Each title tag (if it isn’t a duplicate) will get picked up as a separate SERPs link.

    Hope that helps.

    Paul Lalley

  2. How To Get Higher Rankings In The Search Engines And Flood Your Web Site With Traffic For FREE

    Having a high ranking in Yahoo, Google and MSN is definitely going to get you more traffic to your web site.

    One of the best free ways to get higher rankings in the search engines is to write articles and submit them to article directories.

    Webmasters looking for content for their websites and e-zine publishers looking for content for their e-zines can now go to these article directories to find articles they can use for free.

    When they use your article they must keep the resource box in the article. The resource box contains a little information about you, including a link to your web site. If 100 people pick-up your article and use it on their website or e-zine, you now have 100 links back to your web site.

    Back links to your web site will naturally increase your ranking in the search engines. A high ranking in the search engine will increase traffic to your web site.

    The problem most people have with this technique is the actual writing of the article. This should not stop you. Below are some tips.

    An article contains three parts: Title, Body and Resource Box. It should contain useful content and be between 400-800 words.

    The title must be attention grabbing and let the reader know what the article's about. 10% of effort is put into writing the story and 90% is put into the title.

    Assume the reader knows nothing about the topic. The body of the article must answer questions a reader would have about the topic.

    The resource box is at the end of the article. It should be short, 3-5 lines max. It should contain some information about you -- name, what you do, and a link to your website. You can separate the resource box from the article by a single row of a character such as the asterisk (*********).

    If you still don't want to write the articles yourself, you can hire someone to write them for you. You can get writers to bid on your job at or It will cost you around $8-$12 for professionally written articles that you can publish as your own.

    Before you submit your articles to any directories you must do some basic formatting. Different directories will have preferences on formatting so check with them individually for that. You can download a free text formatter from

    You should submit at least two articles a week and submit to many directories. Some article directories to submit to are:

    You can do a search on for "article directories" to find more.

    Submitting articles to article directories is one of the best ways to get back links to your website. Back links will increase your search engine rankings and bring more traffic to your web site. The best part, it's FREE.

    Start writing!

  3. Web Development Solutions Philippines

    SEO Specialist Alexis Aspi


    Globe: +63 927 562 1090


    First you need to get the popularity keywords

    Go to SEO books for some basic tips about web marketing tricks. you dont need pay dollars to market your site.

    They are two different type of Search Engine Marketing:

    1. Natural search engine optimization - all cost for free for SE marketing. which are all the seo technique are free...

    2 Organic search engine optimization - you need to pay website friendly directories and others website with backlinks or we call that paid seo.

    in advance technique for seo, have 2 also:

    White hat and Black hat SEO.

  4. try link exchanging

  5. Try Create an account, click "Submit new", select a picture from your site that you think is representative, add a title and a keyword rich description (the first 3 words of your description will be the keywords you will be ranked by the search engines) and you're done. If you've done a good job with the title and the description you will probably be on the first page  in the next 48 hours. For more resources go to

    Take care.

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