
How to drive through the night?

by  |  earlier

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I am leaving at 8 at night... this is the earliest we can leave. I am driving with my sister and it is a 13 hr drive without stops. just wondering if you have any ideas how to stay alert in the middle of the night.

We do plan on stopping maybe a few times when both of us are really tired for a short nap.




  1. Have the radio on for sure.

    When im driving at night and am super tired i have my friends ask me questions that i have to think about in order to stay awake. So you and your friend should try having a conversation while you drive.

    Also, make a CD of your favorite songs or some stuff like comedy. Its funny and will keep you entertained, try downloading some Dane Cook. He's hilarious. Trust me.

    Its also a good idea for drivers to take a break every 2 hours. So you won't be as tired, and of course can get food and gas.

  2. How about an energy drink? Thats what I did when i had a 14hr drive. I was only 15 at the time, and I almost fell asleep since it was 2am, driving from state to state after a concert. I picked a random gross looking drink, and it was so gross it kept me up. Try it if you want.

  3. Make a mix CD of upbeat music, Drink energy drinks and talk about interesting things. I drove from NY to Texas during the night and that's what I did .

  4. chocolates.. coz of it's sugar.. worked many times for me. i love traveling at night........... don't stare at those broken white lines in the center.. gets you hypnotized... have a safe journey

  5. dont know if this helps at all. but i drove 22 hours straight once (stopping for only gas), and i did it with nothing else then a good ol dip of copenhagen.  lol

    it keeps me awake.  

    my grandpa has a trick he used to use to back when he smoked cigarettes.  He used to hold his cig about a half inch away from the cherry, then if it got to close, it would wake him up and tell him to move another half inch away. lol

    hope this helps

  6. You should sleep well before you leave, you should take turns driving. You should pull over every couple of hours get a cofee and do a few jumping jacks before you get back in to get your heart goin. Drive Safe! :D

  7. as simple as it sounds, chew gum. i've never heard of anybody who can do it while sleeping... good music and a lot of energy drinks should keep you up. I don't recommend you go nonstop though... your mind can play a lot of tricks on you

  8. Music is a softness...loud and hard

    ive never tried them..but a few of those 5 hour energy shot might thing though about those and energy yes they engerize you...but i feel that you come down off them really you might get really tired..

    Just take turns driving...thats what me and my mom did. if you get tired at all just wake them up and trade but if you are both too stop...

    It is easier to fall asleep at the wheel than it seems...ive done it before..dont get discouraged if you have to take a break. its the best thing for you and everyone else on the road.

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