
How to drive when it's raining hard?

by Guest56954  |  earlier

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When you're driving on the freeway and you're going on a trip or just going somewhere in a big city, how do you drive when it's raining a whole lot? It's hard to see and I know you slow down a little, but whats the right thing to do so you can see and you wont get in an accident?




  1. yes slow down even turn on your flasher and lights..keep moving dont stop on the freeway or even pull over could get you hit if its real bad just try and go 45 and if you have to take a exit best just to slow down and keep moving as well as you can if your wipers are good you will be in the same shape as everyone else

  2. Slow down a lot... Ignore what the other idiots on the road are doing and drive the speed you feel is right.  If it's really raining heavily, it would not be a mistake to get in the right lane and drive 30 on a 65 speed limit road.  And don't forget to turn on your headlights.   Be sure to leave plenty of space between you and the guy in front.   About 2 or 3 car lengths for every 10mph.    A lot of fools will pass you -- who cares?  you'll see some of them cracked up as you drive happily past.... I have.  

       Actually,  except for driving too fast in heavy rain,  the most dangerous rain is a light rain which comes after a long dry period.   The first few minutes or rain  lift off all the oil spills on the road and create a very slick, dangerous situation.

  3. First of all--if it is raining so hard that seeing is difficult or impossible--pull off for a while or don't go out in the first place--it won't rain forever. Have the wipers been replaced or are they ok?? Are your lights on so others can see you?? SLOW DOWN and stay away from the other cars--stay over to the right to avoid the idiots that speed by--just let them go. You can even put the 4 way flashers on if there is no way of stopping or pulling over safely. You need to look front and back and on the sides at all times.... driving is a PORFESSIONAL thing--so take it seriously--I am glad to see that you cared enough to ask. Always drive according to the conditions...and pay attention at all times. Good luck

  4. First dont put your head lights on high.. lEave them on low. if you have Fog light turn them on. And dont over drive your lights..go at a reasonable speed.

  5. Put the wipers on high or pull over and wait it out.

  6. run your wipers on high and slow down increase your distance from other cars also in case someone has to stop in a hurry,other than that you have the right idea about it,just take your time ,usually you,ll drive out of it,but don't let anyone rush you,and turn your lights on,good luck.

  7. If you are already on the freeway when it starts raining, just slow down and move to the right.  Make sure your headlights and wipers are on.  If your visibility becomes extremely limited, go ahead and turn on your emergency flashers.  If your visibility is limited, the drivers behind you may be limited too.  This way they can see you a little bit better through the rain.  If it becomes to a point where you can't see at all, or you do not feel comfortable continuing on the road.  Go ahead and pull over.

  8. The correct thing to do is to put your wipers on high and slow down. If you have to drive 30, then drive 30. You dont have to go the speed limit.

  9. One thing you can do, is to be sure that your wipers are in excellent shape and don't streak.  Then slow down and turn on your emergency flashers while you are driving.  This will help people see you in the rain and may avoid someone from rearending you.  Do slow down enough so that you can allow yourself room to stop, in case the traffic is jammed ahead of you.  If it is really bad, then pull over to the emergency lane and just stop until the rain lets up some.  Keep your emergency flashers on so people can see you stopped there.

    good luck.

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