
How to drop hints that i need a bigger bra?

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i noticed my bra is getting pretty tight. and the cup size is deffinatley getting too small! how do i drop hints? i don't want to just come out and say it! please help?




  1. just go out and buy a new one?

  2. pull on the side s and ask why does this hurt is it supposed to?

  3. just say you need to get another bra.

  4. when you go to the supermarket...put in a bra a size bigger in the trolly, thats what i do :)

  5. Are you gaining weight or are you pregnant? Otherwise, just go buy a bigger bra.  

  6. Just ask your mom are there better bras that you can have that dont show threw your bra. tell her you think that the strap is braking, brake the strap cut the bra  

  7. say u need a new one n get a bigger size den!

  8. Just say it.  What is so bad about saying you need a bigger bra.  Its no big ddeal.  It happens every day.

  9. Seriously?

    Just ask your mom.

    She's a girl, she'll understand!

    It's not like it's a big deal.

  10. Well, you could be passive-aggressive and cut up all your bras, OR you could just come out and say it and save the discomfort.

  11. just say it say how uncomfortable it is that's what i did this summer and i got new ones tell em or keep pulling at it  

  12. You mean to your parents? Directly tell your mom that you feel uncomfortable and when she ask why you can tell her that it feels tight.

    If this is to a person in a store, just ask for a bigger one.

  13. When we go to the store.. and pass the bra isle.. i'm like MOM i really need a new one of thoseee =[ my old ones getting small.

    haha, and it works most of the time too! :D

  14. You could just say "Hey mom, did my bra shrink in the dryer?  It's feels really tight!".  

  15. take some from ur moms closet this is what i did i didnt use them even if they r 2 small still take them and tell her u have been using them and tell her the real reason then there it worked 4 me good luck hope i helped =+)

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