
How to dry cilantro?

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Could not find dried cilantro, so bought some fresh, how can I dry it for future use?




  1. you need a box fan and at least 2 cooling racks or something that will allow the air to pass through it. if you have some air filters for your furnace those work great too. they can't be chemically treated though. just place the herb you want to dry between two layers of what ever you use. make a sandwich if you will, secure this to the box fan and turn it on. in a few hours you have perfectly dried herbs. this also works for making beef jerky and other dried goods as well.  

  2. You can hang the bunches by the stem or you can lay them on a dry paper towel.  Just allow them to air dry.  I have dried sage like that I am sure it will work for cilantro.

  3. Dried cilantro should be available most everywhere.  Meanwhile, just hang the branches upside own in your kitchen a few weeks, until dry, then pull off the leaves and store in a jar.

  4. I took a shallow cardboard box out into the yard (sunny area) and put a cookie sheet in the bottomof it.  I put clean white paper on the cookie sheet. I spread the cilantro on that and then covered the box with a sheet of clear plastic wrap. I taped it in place. The cliantro dried out in a few hours.  I live in a warm dry climate.  I'm not sure how well this would work in a moist, humid area.

  5. I am a former chef and "Jimmy d" has a good point or pluck the leafy parts, put them on dry paper towel, and warm the oven to 150 d F and place the them on a cookie sheet in the oven and turn off the heat, leave them there for several hours or overnight with the door propped open and then put in jars or in Ziploc bag, if you have any of those little packets silica gel stick one o those in to keep the dampness out. they are harmless unless opened or a charcoal vial from an aspirin bottle both are safe and keep the product dry, I have them in mine along with my nori for sushi.
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