
How to ease nausea when pregnant?

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i am looking for some tips on easing my nausea. obviously i cant take meds because i am pregnant, and i would just tough it out if it were intermittent but it is ALL DAY EVERY DAY. this is my second child and it was like this with the first up until i was about 7 months pregnant. i cant take this anymore! i need some relief. all i can do is lay around i cant move most of the day (which is hard because i have a 19 month old.)

also i have been getting so lightheaded i can stand up for long or do any housework. i know this is because i have had low blood pressure that is just made worse by being pregnant, but is there anything i can do? is there a way to get my blood flowing that is easy? any exercises i can do while sitting down that wont make me sick or pass out?





  1. try spearmint gum. It helped me a lot, every time i felt sick or getting there i would chew spearmint gum. It worked every time for me.

    good luck and I hope you feel better

  2. Ginger tablets helped me heaps and they are perfectly safe!

  3. eat crackers

  4. 1}Pregnancy for many woman is the most amazing thing in the world. As your baby is growing inside of you, you are filled with anticipation waiting for the big day to arrive, when you can hold your baby in your arms. Although morning sickness is often on of the dreaded symptoms of pregnancy, most woman do experience it. There are some things that you can try at home to help alleviate the nausea from pregnancy the best you can.


    Whither you are hungry or not you should eat every couple of hours to help keep your blood sugar levels up. If you wait until you are already hungry, it can cause you to become more nauseas due to your stomach acid production and your blood sugar levels lowering. Keep snacks that are high in protein, carbohydrates and fiber close to you at all times. Healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables, nuts, crackers and cheese, are good choices. Try your best not to let three hours go by without eating a little something to help keep your blood sugar levels were they need to be.

    Have a snack before bedtime as well. This will help your stomach and help keep your blood sugar levels were they need to be through the night. Have something this is high in protein like nuts or a protein bar. This will help you through the night, even having a simple glass of milk before bed or in the middle of the night has been said to help alleviate the nausea feeling in the morning.


    It is important to keep your body well hydrated now more then ever. Your body is working over time creating a new life inside, so make sure you drink lots of water and even some fruit juices. Try to limit your amount of juices however due to the sugar. it is always best to stick with plain water. Avoid caffeinated beverages as much as you possibly can like coffee, caffeinated teas, and sodas.

    Although a 7-UP or Sprite type of soda can help you with nausea. Try drinking one that is a little flat with saltine crackers and even leave it next to your bed at night. My doctor recommended this and it helped alleviate my morning sickness a bit. Ginger ale is also a great drink during the nausea times during pregnancy.


    When you are getting up from a sitting or laying down position do it slowly. Fast movements tend to bring nausea on more so then when you move slowly. Especially first thing in the morning, make sure you move slowly. If you feel it necessary leave a snack like nuts, crackers along with water next to your bed and eat it in the morning before getting up. Allow a little while for it to digest and then get up slowly and get ready for your day.


    Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins with a meal every morning. If you feel the pill itself is to blame for your nausea then talk to your doctor about switching them. Find the right one for you that does not create any nausea. It is important to take your prenatal vitamins every day for you and your baby. You can also change the time that you taking the vitamin. If you have a time in the day where you are not feeling very nauseous then you can try taking at that time. Even taking it right before bed is a god choice if you are feeling nauseas throughout the day.

    6} Although there is no one way for everyone to help ease nausea, trying to find the right way to alleviate it is essential. Nausea can be an aggravating feeling and it can ruin your whole day. If you are feeling extremely nausea then talk to your doctor for ways that you can help ease through it. In the end it will all be worth it, so try to deal with it the best you can and if it is to aggravating then lay down and take it easy.  

  5. I'm sorry I don't have very many suggestions for you other than make sure you doctor knows how severe your symptoms are and take deep breaths before you have to get up.

  6. For the nausea.... Eat frequent small meals/snacks.  Eat protein thoughout the day.  Drink water with a little bit of lemon (this gave me several hours of relief in pregnancy #4 when I had morning sickness for the first 6 months).  Drink peppermint tea.

    Also, you could try eliminating dairy or some other common allergens from your diet.  With this pregnancy (my 5th), I had morning sickness that caused vomiting once (I don't vomit usually, just feel nauseous) and came close many other times in 1 1/2 weeks.  I stopped the bit of dairy I'd been eating each day, and I had no more nausea from that point (about 7 weeks) on.  So, other than the 1 1/2 weeks on dairy, I had no morning sickness, which is very unusual for me.

    The lightheadedness could also be in part from low blood sugar, which is more common in pregnancy.  Try eating protein at meals and light snacks in between meals to help keep your blood sugar on an even keel.

  7. Sea sickness bands that you wear on your wrist! Work a treat.

  8. preggy pops (babys r us sells them!) and ginger tea

    eat little frequent meals not big ones

    luck =]

  9. Eat small meals during the day. Dont drink any liquids right after eating...Give a big amount of time between when you drink and eat.....This will cut down on that nausous feeling.Also try to be in open spaces, with plenty of air and room to breath.

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