
How to edit some photographs for my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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ive got some pictures of myself (not too naughty) and i want to edit them to give them a nice 's**y but nice soft p**n' look... what do you think?





  1. I guess it depends of what they look like and what effect is intended.  Some pictures might need cropping and others might look better B&W or sephia instead.  Some might look nice B&W with selective parts in color.

    Hard to tell without seeing them

    Good luck!

  2. I can't think now my minds gone all fuzzy ......... Grrrrrrrrr

  3. Yea why edit them.  I guess you are giving into your how do i compare to these girls thing. After all the q's I read that you have asked I honestly think you are trying to hard to cater to this jerk youve been with.

  4. Hi Eleanor

    Why edit them. Why not just take some Nau-T photos and get them developed instead of wasting time retouching and doing things that are not natural.

    Anybody can develop naughty pictures as long as it isn't pornography.

    You are allowed to do whatever you want and especially if you want to impress your hubby.

  5. Why would you want to edit them.  If he knows what you look like nude there is no point in doing the editing  

  6. your question doesn't make a lot of sense... if you have the pictures then exactly what kind of editing do you want to do to them?  And s**y but nice soft p**n look... I'm not sure what that even is... are you talking playboy type? If so then you need to have a photography that knows what he is doing take them because nude pictures done with a self timer are probably not going to be as soft and s**y as you think.  Lighting done properly can make a nude s**y but just using a camera and a self timer is likely going to give you more of a Hustler class photo than a Playboy style photo.

    Okay... based on your additional info...  I don't think you understand what goes into a Playboy style photo.. They aren't softened, if you are thinking about softened photos those were a type that was popular with Penthouse in the 70's and early 80's, the effect was done by taking photos through a lens that had a thin coating of petroleum jelly on parts of it to drastically soften the image.  Playboy photo are in general very sharp and perfectly lit... They do photoshop out blemishes and such but they don't use any type of soften or blur on them.  I suspect if you wish to give nudes to your BF then just give what you have already you aren't going to be able to make them Playboy like with photoshop.

    If you do give them these photos one thing you should first consider is whether you would want your family and friends to see them.  In this day and age your photos given to a BF today can easily end up plastered on the internet where the world can see when your relationship ends or changes.  Think carefully about that before you do it.

  7. I say go for it. That sort of soft glow will add a surreal look to your photos that will give a feeling of fantasy. I'm not sure why so many here try to push "natural" photography (as that is even a possibility), but there is a definite time and place for being creative, and this is that time.

    Straight photos are nice when you want to look back and remember, but artistic photos with a surreal feeling are meant for looking forward. I think that's probably your intention.

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