
How to educate children or adult who scold and abuse maid?

by Guest32470  |  earlier

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How to educate children or adult who scold and abuse maid?




  1. quit and work for someone else.

  2. If you're a member of the household, instruct the maid to not do any chores that would benefit them. Don't make their beds, don't fold their clothes, don't wipe up after them, none of that. If she only cleans, instruct her not to clean their bedrooms. Just don't do a thing for them until they realize how much they SHOULD appreciate the work she does in the house. THis, of course, will only work if you have authority in the household, and the other adult cannot fire the maid. They need to learn some gratitude, and a little humility and respect for others.

    ...I wish we had a maid. I'd treat anyone who would do my chores for me like a god/goddess.

  3. Lock them in a freezer, then go on a vacation with their money.

  4. I have no idea how the two parts of your post fit together. What on earth does 'educating children' have to do with 'adults who scold and abuse maid'.

    Anyone who is being abused should get out (whenever they can, I accept that isn't so easy if you're a Filipino maid working for a Saudi family!).

    Anyone who abuses their employees shows more about their own character or lack of character and has no right employing anyone if they can't treat them properly.

    BTW anyone who chooses to home educate their own children is, by their very nature, most unlikely to be the sort of person who would ever consider abusing anyone let alone someone in their employ (or tolerate anyone else abusing them)!!

    PS What does this have to do with home-schooling??

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