
How to enable my wireless router to accept wifi connections?

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How to enable my wireless router to accept wifi connections?




  1. Well, most wireless routers have wifi enabled by default. If yours doesn't you just need to log in to the routers interface using a wired machine and enable the wifi connection.  Be sure to change the SSID (the name) and enable security!

    Tell us what router you have we can be more specific!

  2. It sounds like your wifi router has its wireless disabled by default.  This is a security measure.  You need to go into the interface of the router and enable your wireless.  You also should make sure you enable security on your wireless.  Usually you open a web browser, but instead of typing in or something like that, you type in or  It will usually be one of those two IP addresses.  Then, a dialog box pops up asking you what is your username and password.  On a linksys router, the username stays blank and the password is admin.

    Beyond that, I can't help you any further.  You need to tell us what what brand of router you are using and the model number.

    You already bought wireless equipment, but I want you to keep in the back of your mind the technology called powerline.  You can watch the tutorial here:  New Egg sells several powerline devices.

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