
How to encourage a multiethnic 'Kosovo' identity for Kosovo?

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Kosovo will be the newest country soon. Over 90% of Kosovo is Albanian. Albanians suffered alot under the Serbs and were treated very very badly.

Most Kosovo Albanians when asked see themselves as Albanian rather than a Kosovan and see Kosovo as an Albanian country.

But Kosovo also has many minorities, Serbian, Roma, Turkish, Bosnian. And has a cultural heritage that is important for Serbs

How to forge an idenity of Kosovo that is uniquely Kosovan and represents ALL of it's heritages?




  1. Kosovo already is multi-ethnic and multi-religious.

    You can call everyone that lives in Kosovo a Kosovar. But if people don't feel like Kosovars then you should respect what they like to be considered as.

    You need to use the Kosovar more often.

  2. Kosovo should either remain part of Serbia or become part of Albania. It makes me sick looking at Europe divided into little tiny pieces of lands.

  3. You can't foole people


    Why, you want be Serb?

  4. You're a Serb and you call it Kosova. Backstabber. CCCC.


  6. I think some of the replies are rather funny, calling someone a traitor because they go against the rubbish they are fed by the government.

    If you are proud of your country, you would not have allowed it to do what it did in the first place.

    As for Kosovo as serbian or albanian is rediculous, Kosovo needs to get its unemployment down from the 70% it was at a few years ago, it will not do that being a part of another country.

    So what if europe is made up of small parts??? If the big parts treat people badly, then small parts are good. People need to feel in control of themselves, not having others controlling them, Kosovo is never going to be able to control itself in serbia, and as albania it will become a small insignificant part of a country going nowhere.

  7. Kosovo cannot be another country if its people are mostly Albanians.

  8. Why encourage?

    We make children all time, tomorrow Kosova have 5 000 000 peoples. We became first nation in Europa.

    We make mosks from Serbijan churches. We pray Serbijans no come back.

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