
How to enter a state of mind?

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hey i had a question , u know u hear people say "there in that state of mind". for example (i know its an illusion) but like when criss angel picked up a car and people said he was in a state of mind. i was wondering how do u enter a state of mind , like to save someone form a burning building or picking up a car. plz help and give links .




  1. Did anyone ever tell you that Criss Angel is acting?

    Oh yeah, I just did.

  2. It requires very powerful states of pretend with a mind so pure that your thoughts are manifested as reality around you.  I don't think anybody's done that yet, completey, only in little slices.  Pick up a car here, push over a tree there, etc...  It can happen.  We have the ability to do it, but until we can have the pretend-power to conjure up the mental state necessary to convince our brain of the need for such feats, we'll have to wait for circumstances to dictate when we can use our superhuman abilities.  I'm working on getting myself into that pretend state, by the way.  Pot helps a lot, if you're into that sort of thing, but you have to work at it.  You can't just lay around and listen to Pink Floyd all night.

  3. Well the only way Ive heard that someone lifts up a car is if like somebody you love it stuck under it and about to die so the persons adrenaline comes into action and they can easily lift the car up enough for the one they love.

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