
How to entertain a 9 Year old boy?

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I babysit a 9 Year old boy and he says that I'm boring because I don't know what to do to entertain him. If you have any suggestions please tell me. Best answer will be chosen!!!




  1. Video Games, Action Movies with popcorn and other snacks, Water Balloons, play sports at a park or how about a scavenger hunt  

  2. LOL. Pellet gun.

  3. Play board games with him, ie monopoly, clue, risk, chess, checkers.

    See if it would be okay to take him on a short hike.

    See if his mom and dad would allow you to take him camp before school starts.

    See if you can take him to a rock climbing wall where you live.

    All gymnastics clubs have the first day for free, have his mom or dad fill out a release form and then take him to a free class.  Almost every sport has the "first day free".

    Also you could take him to a bounce playhouse.

    hope this helps you

  4. If boys: Learn to play xbox/playstation/wii/gamecube. or some army vigures.

    Girls: Coloring books, teddy bears, painting nails, belly button rings (jk my 9 yr cuzins tryin to help out) kitty, hamster, anyhting cute n cuddly.

    Both/either/ Learn some magic tricks, bring a freind over and make plays/ or pertend to hipnotyze him, board games, music, showing the newest movies always doese the trick.  

  5. outdoor sports and the latest video games

  6. I would first figure out what he is interested then and then research some activities that relate. I have some good places to check out activities for all ages on my site. Check it out if you like. Hope it helps you!

  7. Well, start by asking what he likes. Let's say he's into science. You and the kid can do Science experiments (the non dangerous ones) and not only can you entertain him, but you will also be able to educate the boy at the same time.  

  8. I am a fellow babysitter and I babysit from ages 1-7. What I find helpful is that I take my doodle book with me and ask them to tell me to draw ANYTHING they want (If it is resonable) and I start drawing. For me drawing is fun and the kids will think you are so amazing if you can draw a simple dog. Once you are finished they usually want to give it a try so you give them a pencil, pen, crayon, etc. and let them draw away. At this point you can go watch tv. Works for me hope it will work for you!

    Answer mine =)

  9. Kind of difficult mission, but here is what I would do in your place;

    1.- TV (Nickelodeon, discovery kids, cartoon network)

    2.- PC games on this same sites.

    3.- Play something together, ball, crosswords, etc.

    4,. Put some music and try to dance together, that makes must of the kids happy.

    5.- Prepare a meal together. (cookies, pizza, something easy, but needs collaborative work)

    6.- Read a kids book to him, tales, stories, etc.

    Ok, I run out of ideas, call his mom and said he is out of control, she will bring some other ideas!

  10. I recommend letting him watch action filled movies that catch the attention of a 9 year old. Also take him out side so he can just run around and burn some energy. If you're up to the challenge let him help you with making cookies or cake.

  11. every boy, young or old, likes video games these days lol. or you could play board games with him, idk, kids are so much harder to entertain now.  

  12. Turn on the TV.

    kiddin', ask him wat he likes to do and such and play with him on video games, board games, watever. let himplay outside and all that jazz. If he is tired he had fun, thats how little kids are now.

  13. my bro is 9 he and his friends r into lego's, star wars, wii, pokemon, stuff like that.  

  14. Video games?  

  15. Movies.

    If he is nine, he probably likes Spiderwick Chronicles and stuff.

    Even zombie movies are awesome.

    Ask his parents what movie ratings he is aloud to see. And pick out good ones that boys like.

    Hope that helps :)

  16. puppet show

    a good movie

    or give him a fake (plastic) sowrd and play pirates

    ora fake plastic water gun or gun and have a waterfight...

    or built a cave out of shets and tell stories.. bring a dog cat or other animal...

    hope it helps

    ohh or cook

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