
How to eradicate corruption in public life and to create awareness among people to eradicate corruption?

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How to eradicate corruption in public life and to create awareness among people to eradicate corruption?




  1. Justice is said to be blind therefore many corrupt people get excused, instead when a persons assets is found in excess  beyond his/her reasonable means/earnings.the surplus wealth should be confiscated and added to the poverty reduction schemes,and the perpetrators should be jailed for life. This is much needed in our society to eradicate the greedy.

  2. Not at all possible with the present system of democracy

  3. Jail the corrupt officials is the only choice to stop corruption.

  4. just make RTI powerful and expeditious with no exceptions for anybody in any pretext. get the ex and Y bureaucrats out of the RTI commissions in any capacity. they are the perpetors. get the fear of RTI to private institutions/firms as well.

  5. all the camps set up for people opposing the government need to be filled with people who have gutted our countries secuirty, reputation and financial reserves.

    the best way to do that - start the draft at once.

  6. practice and implement sharia law

  7. I don't think that is possible because they are all corrupt and all in on it together.

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