
How to erase unwanted objects on photoshop?

by  |  earlier

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i want to erase the house..but a cant!

can someone teach me or do this for me?

thank you




  1. Yes, this is very easy to do.  I know you can do it.  Use the clone tool, and piece by piece copy it from the surrounding sky, clouds, and rays of sunlight.  You will want to zoom in like at least 75% that way you can see exactly what is around the area.  I would start at the very top, and work your way down.  

    Also, if I can add a suggestion - I would burn in just a tiny bit the overexposed cloud in the sky.  That is what my eye finds first in the photo.  Anytime we have light / white things our eyes are drawn to them, so just burn it in with the burn tool, and also make the opacity of your tool like 15%, if you have it too high, it will look very fakey.  

    Thanks for reading!

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