
How to escape the "friend zone"???

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I've known this girl for about 4 months now.. and I really like her. I can't stop thinking about her. I could safely say that I'm in love with her. But there's a problem... she considers me as only a friend. How can I escape the "friend zone"??? Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks!!




  1. I would say to flirt your butt off.  That's the way to do it.  If you make the things you say while flirting serious, she should pick up on it.

  2. I suggest that you talk to her about it. If she considers you her "friend," then there's no reason she would think any less of you if she were to find out that you have feelings for her. Ask her if she feels the same for you too. You can also pay special attention to the way she hangs around you, if for example she gets jealous if you mention another girl, or if she badmouths another girl that might possibly like you. Those could be clues that she could be into you too. Either way, I wish you good luck and I hope she likes you back!

  3. There is no escape from the friend zone.... if you really like her i would just keep it until there. Theres no need to be upset because you can always find another girl. Oh, and other girls can find guy friends attractive. keep it positive.  

  4. Well you're basically ****ed my friend. You should have asked her out sooner, and done things that friends wouldn't i.e. flirting, and ASKING HER OUT man. Sorry if it's harsh but it's the truth. You have what is known as "nice guy syndrome", which is, from Urban Dictionary, defined as:

    "A guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend".

  5. Thanks for answering my question

    Try taking it slowly, ask her out first, call her every once in a while, text her. Then at at one point, the relationship will go one way or the other. You'll know the moment when it's there.

  6. If she doesn't like you it means that you aren't her type and NEVER will be unless SHE changes her mind, you can't do it for her.

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