
How to explain friend moving to my 8 year old daughter?

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My daughter is 8 yrs old (turned 8 yesterday) and last night at her birthday party, a mother informed me that they would be moving over winter holidays due to financial issues. This mother's daughter is very close with my child and my daughter can, at times, be very clingy to certain people and friends. Unfortunately, this girl is one of them and my husband and I have clashing opinions on when to tell my daughter, and how to explain it. Thanks for your help.




  1. well you didn't state your opinions, so i'm not sure how exactally you both feel about the whole situation, but my son's best friend use to live right behind us, and when she moved it was hard on him, but we still help them keep in contact, get a phone number, address, e-mail address, anything that they can use to keep in touch and maybe they can make 2 special books with some pictures and stuff for each girl to take when they separate to remember each other by, maybe that will help make it a little easier on them both.

    As far as telling her, you really just have to tell her, honestly what's happening, she is old enough to understand and if she knows it's going to happen it won't be such a shock when it does happen.  Good Luck!

  2. I agree 100% with Christy.  As for when, I'd tell her sooner rather than later.  Since you already know about it, then tell her now.  You could just simply tell her that she gets to spend the first half of the school year with her friend, but during Christmas break, she'll be moving to a new town.

  3. I would just be honest and upfront and explain to her that sometimes people have to move for different reasons. And that she can write letters and call sometimes to check in. Moving away doesn't mean it is goodbye forever.

    Good luck.

  4. Hi. I think you should tell her as soon as possible so that she can grow to understand over these months before they move.

    If you wait until the last second it will be very hard for her and she won't understand as well.

    Get her prepared.

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